My name is Anastasia Miroshnichenko and I work for Interop Moscow 2008 IT Exhibition and Congress ( with strict B2B focus for corporative market.
I represent Fort-Ross Ltd., the leading Russian marketing agency for IT headquartered in St. Petersburg ( We organize Interop Moscow together with CMP Technology LLC, the leading information and marketing solutions company (
This April 23-24, we expect 6,000 strictly qualified attendees and 150+ exhibitors, both from the domestic and international IT areas.
Interop Moscow 2008 is:
Exhibition of IT, including CRM and Call-Centers, network Infrastructure, data management and storage, open source, Information security, enterprise mobility and IP Communications.
Congress with education program of conferences and seminars which gives you an opportunity to know more about IT.
Business program which gives you an opportunity to prearrange business meetings with visitors beforehand and to plan your time schedule at Interop Moscow 2008 more effectively.
Interop pays great attention to newcomers to Russian market who are looking into building strategic partnerships with Russian companies, finding new distribution channel and sounding out the needs of potential customers. It is the leading destination for information technologies buyers and sellers in the region.
Choose your format of participation at Interop Moscow 2008:
Sponsorship opportunities of Interop Moscow 2008. Participation as a Sponsor is the best way to show your leading position in the market. Participating in Interop Moscow 2008 as a Sponsor will give you a unique opportunity to bring the message about the highest reliability of your products, services and solutions to potential clients.
Exhibition opportunities. It is the place for contact with potential clients and partners.
Advertising opportunities will help you to bring information about your company via the Show Guide, Show website and on site marketing opportunities.
Please answer me on my email , after you look through the materials if your companies are interested in penetrating Russian IT market and establish partnership with local companies via Interop.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,
Anastasia MiroshnichenkoCorporate Communications ManagerFort-Ross Ltd.
Please visit to learn more about Interop Moscow 2008.
The calender of Fort-Ross IT and business conferences for Russian enterprise market
CSO Summit
March 24-25, 2008 – Moscow, Russia, Holiday Inn Lesnaya*****
CSO summit is a where meet directors of the security department from Russia with representatives of the leading IT companies. The purpose of event is the establishment of business contacts between IT companies and their potential clients.
The audience – 150 specialists.
www.cso-summit.ruRussian CIOs delegation at CeBIT
March 4-9, 2008 – Hanover, Germany, Steigenberger Bad Pyrmont*****
Fort-Ross Ltd. organizes the visit of Russian CIOs delegation at CeBIT for the third time.
CIO Summit @ CeBIT is an independent platform for a dialogue between Russian and foreign CIOs and the leading IT providers of the world market.
The delegation CIO@CeBIT 2008: 45 persons (70% - CIOs of different enterprises, 30% - representatives of IT providers),
www.russia-at-cebit.ruCIO Summit St. Petersburg
June 2-3, 2008 - Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Nevsky Palace, Korintia****
Russian CIO Summit St.Petersburg is a place, where IT directors of the companies from the Russian north-west region meet the representatives of the leading IT companies. The purpose of event is establishment of business contacts between IT companies and their potential Russian clients.
www.spb.cio-summit.ruRUSSOFT Forum
June 3-5, 2008 - Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Nevsky Palace, Korintia ****
The main goal is to become a Congress of Russian software development industry which gathers in one place representatives of small-scale, medium and large-scale companies. Also, it is a way to show customers of outsourcing all over the world a potential of Russia and CIS in this field. We give a demonstration of new products, services and decisions of Russian ICT providers and new technologies of software.
The audience – 500 heads of the largest enterprises (20% - potential clients of software services and products, 70% - providers of software services and products, 10% - investors, Russian and foreign journalists and analyzers).
www.soft-outsourcing.comBusiness Solutions Construction
June 17-19, 2008 – Geneva, Switzerland
Business Solutions: Retail is focused on the narrow segments of economical verticals. The aim of the conference is the improvement of business processes, rising up the competitiveness, increasing the profitability of construction companies.
The audience – 100-130 specialists (30% - CEOs and top-management, 20% - CFOs, 20% - CIOs, 30% - representatives of IT companies).
www.bsol.ruData Center World
Data Center Conference. The audience – 300 specialists ( IT directors, Data processing and leading IT specialists, representatives of banks, telecommunication companies, public offices and other commercial organizations).
Contact us for more detailed information.
CIO Summit Kazakhstan
2008 - Alma–Ata, Kazakhstan
CIO Summit Kazakhstan is a place where IT directors of the companies from Kazakhstan meet with representatives of the leading IT companies.
The audience: 100 specialists (not less than 60% - CIOs of Kazakhstan companies)
(web site is under construction)
Business Solutions Insurance
Sept. 28-30, 2008 - Ukraine
Business Solutions Insurance consists of conference and exhibition. The aim is perfection of business process, increase of competitiveness and profitability in insurance field thanks to effective IT using.
The audience – 120 specialists (40% - CEOs and top-management, 30% - CIOs, 30%- representatives of IT companies). (under construction)
Russian CIO Summit Moscow
Oct. 5-7, 2008 - Podmoskovje, Imperial Park Hotel*****
The CIO Summit is an independent platform for intensive exchange of ideas and data between CIOs of Russian enterprises and IT vendors from Russia and from abroad. An integrated space of cooperation between IT Communities of Russia and CIS countries is being created there.
400 participants
www.cio-summit.ruCFO Summit
Oct. 16-19, 2008 - Cyprus
Contact us for more detailed information!
Business Solutions Automobile
Nov. 2-6, 2008 - Las-Vegas, USA
Business Solutions: Retail is focused on the narrow segments of economical verticals. The aim of the conference is the improvement of business processes, rising up the competitiveness, increasing the profitability of automotive enterprises.
The audience – 100-130 specialists (30% - CEOs and top-management, 20% - CFOs, 20% - CIOs, 30% - representatives of IT companies). Solutions: Banks and Finance
Nov. 16-19, 2008 - Frankfort, Germany
Business Solutions: Banks and Finance is focused on the narrow segments of economics. The aim of the conference is the improvement of business processes, rising up the competitiveness, increasing the profitability of banks and finance enterprises.
The audience – 100-130 specialists (30% - CEOs and top-management, 20% - CFOs, 20% - CIOs, 30% - representatives of IT companies). Summit Ural II
Nov. 24-25, 2008 - Ekaterinburg, Russia, Atrium Palace Hotel
CIO Summit Ural is a place where meet IT directors of the companies from the Russian Ural and Siberian region with representatives of the leading IT companies. The purpose of event is establishment of business contacts between IT companies and their potential Russian clients. DEMO 2008
Dec. 21-24, 2008 - Moscow, Russia, Malii Manej
DEMO 2008 is a show of digital products and technologies from world famous brands and Russian manufacturers. It is a bright and colourful Christmas High-Tech Show which gives an opportunity to see, hear, touch and buy modern witty and Hi-Tech gifts to friends, colleagues and relatives on Christmas and New Year.
The audience – 5000 and users of digital devices.