marți, 9 septembrie 2008

Traficul de Internet la nivel global a crescut cu 53%

Traficul de Internet la nivel mondial si-a mentinut crestera in ultimul an, insa cu o rata mai scazuta decat inainte, conform unui raport intocmit de companie de cercetare TeleGeography Research.

Cercetarile realizate de companie arate de asemenea ca in SUA mai multi furnizori de Internet au anuntat ca s-a constatat o crestere a traficului online, fiind nevoiti astfel sa impuna anumite limite de descarcare.

TeleGeography Research anunta astfel ca taficul de Internet la nivel global a crescut cu 53% de la jumatatea lui 2007 pana in acest moment, mai putin decat rata de crestere de 61% inregistrata in ultimele 12 luni anterioare.

In SUA s-a inregistrat astfel o crestere de 47% a traficului, insa cele mai mari majorari au fost identificate in regiunile unde Internetul este abia la inceput. Astfel, in America Latina cresterea traficului a fost dubla fata de cea din SUA.

Alan Mauldin, directorul TeleGeography Research, a anuntat insa ca numarul noilor abonati la serviciile de Internet a scazut fata de 2001, iar cresterea traficului, in ansamblul ei, are la baza cererea pentru clipuri video.

Sursa: MacWorld

joi, 4 septembrie 2008

Microsoft reduce preturile Xbox 360 sub nivelul Nintendo Wii pentru a ataca pozitia companiei nipone

Microsoft a redus pretul consolei de jocuri video Xbox 360 sub nivelul produsului rival Nintendo Wii, pentru a concura cu firma japoneza, in prezent liderul pietei, scrie Bloomberg. Pretul de vanzare al consolei Xbox 360 Arcade a fost redus la 199,99 dolari (137,9 euro), de la 279,99 dolari (193 de euro), au declarat oficialii Microsoft. Consola este astfel cu 50 de dolari (34,5 euro) mai ieftina decat cel al produsului Wii.

Celelalte versiuni ale consolei Xbox au fost ieftinite cu 50 de dolari, ajungand la 299,99, respectiv 399,99 dolari.
Cititi intregul articol in

Speedster Controller PS3/PS2/PC - un nou produs la

Controller wireless compatibil cu consolele Playstation 3, Playstation 2 si PC; Beneficiaza de axa Twist'n'Turn fiind recomandat pentru jocuri cu masini, jet ski, ATV si snowboard; Tehnologie 2,4 Ghz RF - raza de actiune 10 M; Digital read-out, D-pad cu 8 butoane independente pentru a avea precizie in miscarea diagonala.
Garantie: 12 luni
Va invitam sa achizitionati produsul aici.

miercuri, 3 septembrie 2008

Google - GeoEye, parteneriat pentru software-ul de harti

Google a semnat un parteneriat cu compania de sateliti GeoEye pentru imagini exclusive transmise de satelitul GeoEye One. Acesta va transmite fotografii de inalta rezolutie ale suprafetei Pamantului, pe care Google le va folosi pentru software-ul de harti.
GeoEye One va fi lansat saptamana aceasta, daca vremea va fi favorabila.

Kate Hurowitz, purtatorul de cuvant al Google, a declarat pentru Reuters ca primele imagini vor fi primite in urmatoarele trei luni.
“Combinatia dintre inalta rezolutie a imaginilor furnizate de GeoEye, harta cu o acutarete ridicata fotografiata de satelitul GeoEye One si capabilitatile de cautare ale Google vor furniza utilizatorilor o bogata colectie de harti ale Terrei”, a explicat aceasta.

Satelitul va orbita la aproximativ 700 de kilometri si poate identifica obiecte cu un diametru de aproximativ 41 de centimetri. GeoEye One va inconjura Pamantul de 15 ori pe zi si va realiza, zilnic, harti pentru aproximativ 1 milion de metri patrati.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome is a browser launched with aim to make the Internet quicker, easier and safer. It has a minimal design which offers a very friendly interface. Google points the reasons for building a browser:

“At Google, we spend much of our time working inside a browser. We search, chat, email and collaborate in a browser. And like all of you, in our spare time, we shop, bank, read news and keep in touch with friends - all using a browser. People are spending an increasing amount of time online, and they’re doing things never imagined when the web first appeared about 15 years ago.

Since we spend so much time online, we began seriously thinking about what kind of browser could exist if you started from scratch and built on the best elements out there. We realized that the web had evolved from mainly simple text pages to rich, interactive applications and that we needed to completely rethink the browser. What we really needed was not just a browser, but also a modern platform for web pages and applications, and that’s what we set out to build.

So today we’re releasing the beta version of a new open source browser: Google Chrome.

On the surface, we designed a browser window that is streamlined and simple. To most people, it isn’t the browser that matters. It’s only a tool to run the important stuff - the pages, sites and applications that make up the web. Like the classic Google homepage, Google Chrome is clean and fast. It gets out of your way and gets you where you want to go.

Under the hood, we were able to build the foundation of a browser that runs today’s complex web applications much better . By keeping each tab in an isolated “sandbox”, we were able to prevent one tab from crashing another and provide improved protection from rogue sites. We improved speed and responsiveness across the board. We also built V8, a more powerful JavaScript engine, to power the next generation of web applications that aren’t even possible in today’s browsers.

This is just the beginning - Google Chrome is far from done. We’ve released this beta for Windows to start the broader discussion and hear from you as quickly as possible. We’re hard at work building versions for Mac and Linux too, and we’ll continue to make it even faster and more robust.

We owe a great debt to many open source projects, and we’re committed to continuing on their path. We’ve used components from Apple’s WebKit and Mozilla’s Firefox, among others - and in that spirit, we are making all of our code open source as well. We hope to collaborate with the entire community to help drive the web forward.

The web gets better with more options and innovation. Google Chrome is another option, and we hope it contributes to making the web even better.

But enough from us. The best test of Google Chrome is to try it yourself.”
Source: Google

Mozilla: Google Chrome nu va fi la fel de bun ca Firefox

eactiile in ceea ce priveste noua prezenta pe piata navigatoarelor de internet nu au intarziat sa apara. Primii care si-au dat cu pararea despre Google Chrome au fost chiar "cei din curtea vecina", cu care noul browser va trebui sa dea piept.

Conform presedintelui Mozilla Europe, doi dintre inginerii Google Chrome sunt fosti angajati ai Mozilla, dintre care unul dintre ei a fost inginer principal al Firefox in urma cu cativa ani.

"Stim ca sunt ingineri buni", a recunoscut Tristan Nitot, insa a tinut sa precizeze ca Google Chrome ar putea sa nu fie compatibil cu miliardele de pagini web.

Acesta a concluzionat afirmand ca "Chrome nu poate fi la fel de bun la Firefox in afisarea diversitatii internetului".