sâmbătă, 31 mai 2008

Fun applications on Facebook

In the Spotlight More Topics

from Linda RoederFun Facebook Applications
Let's have some fun! Do you like board games? How about gambling? Did you ever want a virtual pet? Those are just a few of the many fun things you can do on Facebook.
In the Spotlight
6 Board Games You Can Play on FacebookChess, Backgammon, Checkers, Monopoly, Othello / Reversi, and Tic Tac Toe. Play these Facebook board games with your friends right from Facebook. If none of your friends are online you can play with any of the other players on Facebook. Choose who you want to play against, make sure they're online, check their stats, and challenge them to a match.

More Topics
3 Ways To Gamble on Facebook(Scratch and Win, Slot Machines, Poker)
Who Are Your Top Friends on Facebook?(Who Are Your Favorites?)
The Moods of Facebook(What Mood Are You In?)
Create Your Music Wish List(All Your Favorite Music)
Send 123Greetings eCards(For Any and All Occasions)
My Pet Virtual Pet for FacebookMy Pet is a really cute little virtual pet game that you can play right from your Facebook profile. In just minutes you can have your own virtual pet that you can feed, play with and even battle with. You choose the gender and the name for your Facebook My Pet and then you can play, buy things and battle.
4 Cute Interactive Gifts on FacebookThese four little interactive gifts will be a lot of fun for whoever you send them to. If you send them to your friends, maybe they'll send some to you, then you can have some fun too. There are eggs that hatch, growing plants, shakable globes and cute little bears.
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How to Invest in Quality "Virtual" Real Estate

Recently a client of mine asked me how they couldincrease their profits WITHOUT having to increasetheir traffic volume.After reviewing their site and those of a few oftheir partners, the answer was clear...IntegrationMarketing.What about you? Are you effectively utilizing allthe real estate on your website and your partnerswebsites?Below is an article I wrote on how YOU can easilytap into to power of Integration Marketing toincrease your profits WITHOUT having to increasetheir traffic volume.The most powerful integration marketing tacticstake advantage of all the possibilities and placesavailable to advertise your products. So work withyour JV partners to find quality real estate forboth your front end and back end products.The more places you integrate your marketing, themore money you'll both make. Here are some ideasto get you started:* Co-registration: this brings you a steady streamof targeted subcribers. When these prospects yougain through your partner's recommendation becomecustomers, you pay the partner who gave you thelead a commission on each sale.* Exit Pops: for those who leave your site withouttaking any action, insert an exit pop with anenticing offer. Think of it like the candy placednear the cash registers in grocery stores. Maybe ashopper didn't find what they wanted when theywalked in to the store, but the candy caught theirattention on the way out. So they bought somethingeven though they intended to leave empty-handed.* Thank You Pages: thank subscribers to yournewsletter by redirecting them to an irresistibletime-sensitive offer immediately after theysubscribe. And show the same offer to subscribersof your JV partner's newsletters.* Success Pages: after a prospect has successfullycompleted an action like downloading a report orsigning up for a teleconference, redirect them toa page that has a complementary offer.* Order Pages: as previously mentioned, utilizeupsells and downsells to reach as many people attheir current level of responsiveness. If they aredesperate for your information and have money tospend, they'll want the upsell. If they aredesperate but don't have as much money to spend,they'll be grateful for the downsell opportunity.* Websites: the possibilities for finding placesto advertise on other people's websites isunlimited. Every page of their website (i.e.,"Contact" pages) are chances to insert yourmarketing message.* Autoresponders: you can manufacture as much realas you desire by inserting marketing messages intoyour autoresponder and those of your JV partners.The best part is that it's a 'set and forget'method that runs on autopilot.* Member's Area: this is prime real estate almostno one uses to market other people's products.Inserting your "exclusive offers" to members ofother people's programs means high conversionrates for you and an increased level of perceivedvalue for your partner.* Logout Pages: rather than send people to a pagethat just lets them log back in, give them anopportunity to buy something from you.First capitalize on all the real estate you cancreate within your customer path. Then every timeyou gain a JV partner and consequently acquiremore "land," you'll better be able to recognizethe gaps in their unused territory.Once you fill those gaps with your marketingmessages, you gain steady traffic and consistentcash flow.So there you have it. Now go take ACTION!Implement at least ONE of the ideas above and reapthe rewards again, and again.All the best,- Glen

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